Simple Faith Like a Child Can Move Mountains

Who We Are in Christ Jesus
November 15, 2017
Don’t Leave Home Without Your Shield
March 28, 2018
Who We Are in Christ Jesus
November 15, 2017
Don’t Leave Home Without Your Shield
March 28, 2018

Simple Faith Like a Child Can Move Mountains

Most of us have heard it said many times that Jesus wants us adults to become like little children in order to be saved. However, this commonly expressed saying is not quite what Jesus actually said. Here are Jesus’ words, just as He actually spoke them:

[Jesus said] “…the kingdom of God belongs to [little children] such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them. (Mark 10:14-16)

So, Jesus did not say that we must “be like” a little child. Rather, Jesus said that we must “receive” the kingdom of God like a little child. There’s a big difference between the two.

Little children are easy to teach because they…

  1. Believe what they are told,
  2. Do not question it, and
  3. Immediately act upon it.

Simple faith is the trusting kind that believes simply because daddy or mommy said it and for no other reason. That’s deep. Read that again. Simple faith is the exact opposite of how most adults believe. Typically, all of our nagging questions must be answered and every doubt laid to rest before we will finally “believe” and then perhaps act.

But is this the kind of “faith” that God wants from us? Jesus already gave the answer to this question when He said,

Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

Wow, this is awfully serious. We adults had better make sure we get this faith thing right. So, how can we adults learn to believe like little children then?

We can do so by willfully choosing daily to believe God’s promises simply because our Father God said so and for no other reason, following the same example set by little children. We can daily choose to…

  1. Believe what God says in His Word,
  2. Do not question it, and
  3. Immediately act upon it.

Okay… So far, so good. “I can do that,” you say.

Alright, then, let’s see. Here is an immediate opportunity for us to choose to suspend our intellectual understanding and choose to believe simply (and only) because Jesus said so and for no other reason:

[Jesus speaking] “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit — fruit that will last — and so that whatever you ask in my name the father will give you.” (John 15:16)

Whatever I ask. I personally believe Jesus’ promise exactly as written here with all of my heart, soul, and mind… not because I bother to “understand” it but simply because my Lord and Savior said it. And to no surprise at all, 100-percent true to His Word, God indeed does honor this simple faith by performing instant, on-the-spot miracles.

What God has done for me, He will do for you. I pray your faith in God’s promises is the simple faith of a child, the kind of faith that moves mountains merely because the Word of God says it and for no other reason.

Believe in our loving Father God like a trusting little child. Go set a captive of Satan free today in the mighty Name of Jesus!  Be blessed.

Set a captive of Satan free today in Jesus’ mighty Name! You have this authority and responsibility in Christ. Now, act on your authority today through faith in Jesus’ mighty Name.

Be blessed in the Name of Jesus!