About Us

Paul & Michelle Williams

In 2000, Paul and Michelle Williams participated in their first church missionary trip, an outreach to two prisons in Mazatlán, Mexico. God used this trip to significantly inspire their perspective of evangelism and empower them with boldness to preach and teach the Word of God.

In 2001, the couple began holding a church small group meeting in their home, which they continued for five years. In the process, they gained considerable experience in ministering to many different types of people at widely varying times of the day or night. In 2002, Paul and Michelle took formal courses in Christian marriage counseling before beginning a powerful lay marriage counseling ministry which they continue to this day. Then in 2014, the couple completed a two-year Bible college program at The Way Bible College, an accredited Bible college in Houston, Texas, both earning an Associate’s Degree in Biblical Studies. Paul additionally went on from there to complete a third year in Bible College, resulting in his formal ordination as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The oldest son of evangelist minded parents, from early childhood Paul became deeply immersed in Bible study. Homeschooled on a conservative Bible curriculum, Paul was required by his parents to memorize and recite verbatim entire chapters of scripture. Paul’s early start in daily Bible immersion continues faithfully to this day, with Paul today now having read the Bible completely through 27 times in 16 different translations and counting.

Paul and Michelle have completed their ministry’s first book, Expect to Believe: 90 Bible Study Devotionals to Activate Your Faith for the Impossible, published by High Bridge Books in September 2019. The book is based on Paul’s miraculous on the spot healing by Jesus of five chronic diseases in December 2011, an experience which amazed and shook his doctor of the previous 17 years to the core. Since this time, God has used Paul and Michelle to heal the blind, lame, deaf and sick across the United States and abroad.

Paul and Michelle are blessed with a Holy Spirit-given ability to teach the Word of God in a way which helps makes the Bible interesting, understandable and relevant. The couple regularly ministers in their community through the non-denominational church they attend in suburban north Houston, as well through Paul’s one-on-one ministry to business colleagues and executives during his business trips across the United States and around the world.

Paul and Michelle live in suburban north Houston, Texas. They have five children ranging from 35 to 22 years of age.



Marriage Ministry

Building and maintaining a Godly marriage requires prayer, patience, and often Godly wisdom and counsel from others. But far too often, trial-and-error is the approach chosen by millions instead of trying to solve their marriage problems.

Life of Faith in Christ Ministries offers marriage counseling as well as classes to equip you with the thinking, tools, tactics, and encouragement you need to improve your marriage. Learn specifically how to address the root causes behind your marriage difficulties for a lasting better-than-new united strong relationship, not just what to do to bring the two of you back together.

More importantly, learn to not only understand your spouse better, but also yourself. You will be surprised at just how much you learn about yourself in this class. Whether your marriage is stable or is on the rocks, or whether you have been married a year or decades, this class is for you.

Contact Life of Faith in Christ Ministries today. You can improve your marriage!

(Yes, we offer pre-marriage counseling as well!)


Career Counseling

As a Christian, your job search is dramatically empowered when you know your God-given authority and gifts and you have Godly self-confidence.

Next, your resume must convey pertinent business value information about you in an attractive, professional appearance.

Finally, to complete your journey to a new or higher paying job, you have effective interview techniques and responses. Your interview style should match your resume, with effective and concise replies that appeal straight to your target company’s bottom line, declared with bold confidence.

Life of Faith in Christ Ministries can help you accomplish all this and more.

Our career counseling service includes the following elements:

  1. Assess your career skills, natural aptitude, personality and thinking styles, to ensure you are pursuing your optimum career path for your maximum personal satisfaction and compensation level.
  2. Assist you with developing of a top-notch resume that optimally presents your value to employers.
  3. Assess and correct your interview style, responses, and techniques.
  4. Assess and correct your compensation negotiation skills.

We have been blessed to assist hundreds of people to earn anywhere from 20% more to as much as 270% more than they were previously.

Finally, just to clarify, while we do heavily guide the development and crafting our clients’ resumes and do perform edits as part of this process, most of the actual creative typing work will actually be done by you under our direct guidance.

Contact us today to see how Life of Faith in Christ Ministries can help you reach your career goals!